Blob Farm


The blob in all its glory:

Twirl with your mouse

swirling both sides of a simple ellipsoid

Click on the snapshot to download the blob's stl file. ../snapshots/blob14.png
Octave Code:
  # name of the blob
  project = "blob14";  

  function w = f(x2,y2,z2,c,r,e)    

    x  = (x2-c(1))/r(1);  # do some simple scaling
    y  = (y2-c(2))/r(2);
    z  = (z2-c(3))/r(3);

    w = (x/(38)).^2+(y/(90)).^4+(z/(16)).^2-1; # <<<<<<<<<<<  THE BLOB FUNCTION
    w = -w - 1.3./(1.0+(x/10).^2+((y+78)/4).^2).^2;


  # do the scaling
   c_outer = [0,0,0]; # center of ellipsoid for outer surface
   r_outer = [1,1,1];# x,y,z radii for ellipsoid for outer surface
  step = 4;  # grid pitch in mm  start with 4mm to see the shape quickly.  Once you have it just right, change to 2mm for printing

   xmin = -100;   
   xmax = 100;
   ymin = -120;
   ymax = 120;
   zmin = -50;
   zmax =  50;

  # this is for distorting the grid before applying the function
  # note that the undistorted grid will be used to make the stl file
  # just set it to x3=x; y3=y; z3=z; if no warping is needed.
  function [x3,y3,z3]= prewarp(x,y,z)
# default definitions of the two swirls
# Both swirls have axes parallel to the z axis
   px1 = 30+8;  py1 =20; # position of swirl 1
   px2=-30-8;  py2 = 20;  # position of swirl 2
   t1 = 12+1*8;  # effective width of both swirls
   angle1 = 3; # angle of swirl 1
   angle2 = -3; # angle of swirl 2 ( in radians)
  one_mat = 0*x+1;
  an = angle1*(one_mat./(1.0+((x-px1)/t1).^2+((y-py1)/t1).^2));
  an2 = angle2*(one_mat./(1.0+((x-px2)/t1).^2+((y-py2)/t1).^2));
  x3 = px2+(x-px2).*cos(an2)-(y-py2).*sin(an2)+px1+(x-px1).*cos(an)-(y-py1).*sin(an)-x;
  y3 = py2+(y-py2).*cos(an2)+(x-px2).*sin(an2)+py1+(y-py1).*cos(an)+(x-px1).*sin(an)-y;
  z3 = z;

  source("../octave/func2stl_v01.m");  # do all the calculations

GNU Octave