Blob Farm


The blob in all its glory:

Twirl with your mouse

Cute little twist. Has possibilites as a case.

r x 2 + y 2
- 2.3254629358757537 θ + 0.05 ( r 2 + r )
1. 0.25929779018999743 r TemplateBox[List["r"], \ "Abs"] 2.5 + 0.018771511647921367 r TemplateBox[List["r"], \ "Abs"] 2. + 5.656854249492381 z TemplateBox[List["z"], \ "Abs"] 2.5 + 0.6 0.049295030175464945 r TemplateBox[List["r"], \ "Abs"] 2.5 + z TemplateBox[List["z"], \ "Abs"] 2.5 2.

Click on the snapshot to download the blob's stl file. ../snapshots/blob05.png
Octave Code:
1; # Prevent Octave from thinking that this is a function
   # though one is defined here
  function w = f(x2,y2,z2,c,r,e) 
   x  = (x2-c(1))/r(1);
   y  = (y2-c(2))/r(2);
   z  = (z2-c(3))/r(3);
   # function at origin must be <0, and >0 far enough away.  w=0 defines the surface
   th = atan2(x,y);
   r = sqrt(x.^2+y.^2);
   phi = th + (r+r.^2)*0.05;
   w = (1.0)./(abs(0.2*cos(phi).*r).^2+abs(0.8*sin(phi).*r).^2.5+abs(2*z).^2.5)+(0.6)./(abs(r*0.3).^2.5+abs(z).^2.5)-2.0;

GNU Octave